Basic Information

Professor Dr. Alaa Abdel Halim Mohamed Marzouk

Personal information

Name: Alaa Abdel Halim Mohamed Marzouk

ID : 26105151701412

Date of Birth: May 15, 1961

Gender : Male

Address: 28 El Ahrar street, Officers’ City-El-Doky - Giza

Position: Vice President of the University of Beni - Suef for Community Service and Environmental Development

Professor of General Surgery, Former Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Beni-Suef University

Beni Suef University  

Faculty of Medicine

Date of obtaining PHD degree 1/4/1995

Date of obtaining Professorship degree 1/4/2005

Name of Scientific Publications, Scientific Sector, Medical Studies

Scientific Committee: General Surgery


Tel: 0822356842 No.

Fax: 0822356842

Cell Phone: 01222100348

Home phone number: 37611291