Basic Informations





Shawky Mohamed Aboelhadid


Full name

Shawky Mohammed Aboelhadid

Date of birth


Country of birth




Home address

10 El Harmin St, Beni Suef, Egypt.

Correspondence address

Parasitology Dep., Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef Egypt

Social status

Married with three childrens.


+202 01013694081



Language skills

Current position

Very Good command in English

Professor of parasitology


  1  1-Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine (B.V.Sc) in December 1996 .


Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo Univ., Beni-Suef branch.

Final graduation

Very Good



2-Master degree in Veterinary Parasitology (M.V.Sc) in August 2000.


Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo Univ., Beni-Suef branch.

The title of  the thesis

Some studies on helminth parasites of fresh water fishs in  Beni-Suef Governorate

3- Ph.D. degree in Veterinary Parasitology  in July2004.


Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo Univ., Beni-Suef branch.

The title of the thesis:

Morphobiological studies on parasites transmitted from some freshwater snails to other hosts



Name of employer Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University, Egypt.



·      Demonstrator in Parasitology Department from Sept.1998 till Aug.2000.

·      Assistant lecturer in Parasitology Department from Aug. 2000 till July   2004.

·      Lecturer in Parasitology Department from July 2004 till now.


·      Prof. of Parasitology from August 2014 till now

·      Head of Parasitology department from 4/2011 till march 2014

·      Manager of Unit for Projects supporting and funding in the university from May 2013 till June 2015

·      Manager of Faculty central Lab.

·      Head of laboratory instruments committee in the faculty (Buying)

·      Team member of quality aqriditation I the faculty

·      Supervision of many master and PhD thesis


Beni-Suef branch becomes independent university since 1/8/2005.

Teaching and Scientific activities







·      Helminthology, Arthropodoa, Protozoology and immunoparasitology

·      Laboratory techniques in Practical Parasitology

·      Fish parasites

·      Teaching medical Parasitology for students of Health Technical Institute  

    in Ministry of Health in Beni-Suef  Province from 2000 till now 

* Scientific planing and training of post graduate students


 My current researches are on immunoparasitology, control of parasites and 
 Parasites pathogenicity and parasitic diseases diagnosis.

3) Scientific activities

* Obtaining a grant from my university

* Manager of Prject funding in the University from May 2013 till now

* Reviewer in some international journals

* Member of the team of Beni Suef strategic plan preparation  








Grants and Awards:

1.    Obtaining a grant from Research center of  Beni Suef University 2011

2.     obtaining the award of scientific excellence of Beni Suef University 2012


Other Skills

  1. Good use of IBM and related software.
  2. Preparation of the infrastructures of the scientific laboratories (instruments&devices)
  3. Training in Self marketing from DAAD academae in Egypt
  4. Training on introduction of Bioinformatics


General activities and Administrating responsibilities


1.    Previous experience in as the head of Parasitology department

2.    Manager of funding unit in the university

3.    Manager of central laboratory in the faculty

4.    Head of the technical committee for scientific instruments in the faculty

5.    Member of the CICAP team in the faculty

6.    Member of the infra structure of laboratories in the faculty


Membership in the scientific societies

1.    From 2006 till now in the Egyptian society of veterinary parasitology

2.    From 2007 till now in the Egyptian society of experimental biology

3.    From 2012 till now in the society of Egyptians parasitologists


Conferences attendance

  1. All the activities of Beni Suef veterinary medicine conferences from 1999 till 2013, the seven conferences and most attendance by oral presentation of papers
  2. Conferences of the Egyptian society of experimental biology in 2007 and 2008 by oral presentation of scientific papers
  3. Attendance and oral presentation in the 13th conference of faculty of Assuit veterinary medicine
  4. Attendance in the environmental conference in rass sedr 2011
  5. International conference in Side, Antalya, Turkey in May 2014 with paper for oral presentation
  6. 6th PCV international conference in Kuala Lampur, Mayasia, March 2015 with poster presentation


Training courses

1. The effective communication from FLDP

2. Teaching using of technology from FLDP

3. Scientific publication from FLDP

4. Preparation of research project from FLDP

5.  Time administration and work stress from FLDP

6. Self marketing from DAAD in Egypt

7. Scientific conferences regulation from FLDP

8. Strategic planning from FLDP

9. University ethics from FLDP

10. Accreditation hour's system from FLDP

11. University administration from FLDP

12. Scientific team leadership from FLDP

13.  Principles of Bioinformatics from training unit of the university


Reviewing in some International journals

Journal of Parasitic Diseases

African Journal of Biotechnology

Journal of Buffalo Science

Veterinary Quarterly




1. Participation in the preparation and writing of the practical and theoretical courses of the under graduate student in the faculty (3rd year)

2. Writing a preliminary notes in medical parasitology

3. Scientific book from the proposal of my PhD dissertation, it was published by Lambert publisher in Germany 2012, it was under the title of:

Digenetic Parasites Transmitted From Freshwater Snails To Other Hosts: Morphobilogical studies








Master Title

Some studies on helminth parasites of fresh water fishs in Beni-Suef Governorate

Master Abstract

Tewnty three parasitic helminths were recorded and identified

PHD Title

Morphobiological studies on parasites transmitted from some freshwater snails to other hosts

PHD Abstract

All rights reserved ©Shawky Mohamed Aboelhadid