Mohamed Kamal Merai Abdel Maksoud

Assistant lecturer

Basic Informations


Name: Mohamed Kamal Merai Abdel Maksoud
Date of Birth: 16-2-1984
Palce: Nasser - Beni-Suef
Job: Assistant lecturer of anatomy and embryology
Work at: Faculty of veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University

Master Title

Anatomical museum preparations of the skeleton and respiratory organs of some domesticated animals

Master Abstract

The present work was carried on the preparation of two learning modules focusing on skeleton and lung of donkey, goat and dog. This study depended on various anatomical techniques such as; bone preparation and cleaning, air-drying, cast preparation, charts, diagrams, and computer programs followed by quizzes. Module ?: composed of different bone specimens arranged in disarticulated, articulated, and colored bone specimens, in addition to learning materials represented in radiographs, charts, diagrams, and compact disc prepared by Photoshop and PowerPoint programs. Module ??: composed of wet and dry specimens of lungs and tracheobroncheal casts, in addition to histological and pathological slides, charts and diagrams. The present study is the first nude for future construction of anatomy museum Anatomy and Embryology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-suef University on the basis of learning modular system.

PHD Title

Descriptive and applied anatomy of the udder in goat

PHD Abstract

The present study aimed to clarify the gross anatomical features of the udder of the goat to be used as a guided during clinical interference. This study was carried out on nineteen apparent healthy adult Egyptian Baladi female goats, and eight udder specimens were obtained from healthy goats. The gross morphological features (position, form and shape) of the udder were briefly described, also its morphometric traits were recorded. The udder was suspended in the ventral abdominal wall and pelvic floor through medial and lateral suspensory laminae. Both the broad abdominal attachment (79.5%) and narrow bony attachment (20.5%) of the udder were considered as predisposing factors for incidence of the pendulous udder and herniation of the abdominal contents into the udder. Each half of the udder was composed of a single mammary unit, which included the glandular parenchyma, lactiferous ducts, lactiferous sinus and teat canal ended by a teat orifice. B-mode ultrasonography was a simple and accurate method allowing visualization of these mammary structures to assist in the further diagnosis of several pathological conditions of the udder of the goat. The udder was supplied by the external pudendal artery and dorsal labial and mammary branch of the ventral perineal artery. It was drained through the external pudendal and cranial superficial epigastric veins, as well as the dorsal labial and mammary branch of the ventral perineal vein. The detailed course of these vessels provided appropriate sites for their ligation, in an attempt to reduce the severity of the blood loss during mastectomy. The udder was innervated by the ventral branches of the first four lumbar spinal nerves and the mammary branch of the pudendal nerve. The detailed course of these nerves gave an important guide for induction of the local analgesia.

All rights reserved ©Mohamed Kamal Merai Abdel Maksoud