البيانات الاساسيه

السيره الذاتيه

Beni Suef University                                                                       

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Curriculum Vitae

I -Personal Data :

Name :            Dr/ Kamal Adel Amin.

Profession:     Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry,    

                         Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef, University.

Nationality:        Egyptian.

Date & Place of Birth:      26th Jan., l965, Beni Suef, ‑ Egypt.

Tel. Fax.:                         0020/082/2327982

Marital status:               Married and had three kids

II- Scientific University Degrees:

B.V.Sc.: (Bachelor of Veterinary Medical science), Beni Suef branch- Cairo University Grade very good- May (1988).

M.V.Sc: (Master of Veterinary Science) - Biochemistry Department Veterinary Med.    

                College - Suez Canal Univ. 26/6/ 1993

Ph.D. : Biochemistry Dept Veterinary Med. College-Suez Canal Univ.18/3 /1999 .

III- Professional Occupation:

1- Scholarship of Biochemistry Department – college of Veterinary Med. - Suez

                            Canal Univ.1991-1992.

2- Demonstrator of Biochemistry, Dept. Biochemistry , Fac. Vet. Med., -Suez Canal

                            University  6/4/1992. 

3- Associate Lecturer of Biochemistry, Dept. Biochemistry, Fac. Vet. Med., -Suez  

                            Canal University 9/8/1993.

4- Lecturer, faculty member of Biochemistry, Dept. Biochemistry, Fac. Vet. Med., -

                            Suez Canal University, 29/2/2000.

5- Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, Dept. Biochemistry, Fac. Vet. Med., Beni-

                            Suef, Cairo University,  27/4/2005 until now.

                                                                                     Vice dean for research and   

           Dean                                                                           Postgraduate affairs


                                                                            Prof. Dr / Magdy F. El Kady

Prof. Dr / Mohamoud A. El Askalany                                        


جامعة بني سويف

كلية الطب البيطرى

شئون العـامليـن

بيـان حـالـة

الإسم:  د/ كمال عادل امين

الوظيفة الحالية:   أستاذ مساعد بقسم الكيمياء الحيويه- كلية الطب البيطرى- جامعة بنى سويف

 تاريخ ومحل الميلاد :  26/ 1 /1965 – بنى سويف- جمهوريه مصر العربيه

تليفون- فاكس:   2327982 082 2+

 بريد الكتروني: kaamin10@yahoo.com            


المؤهلات العلمية:

* بكالوريوس العلوم الطبية البيطرية- دور مايو 1988م بتقدير عام جيد جداً- كلية الطب البيطرى- جامعة القاهرة (فرع بنى سويف)

* ماجستير العلوم الطبية البيطريه (تخصص كيمياء حيويه) فى 26/ 6/ 1993م كلية الطب البيطرى بالإسماعيليه - جامعه قناه السويس  

* دكتوراة في العلوم الطبية البيطرية (تخصص كيمياء حيويه)  18/ 3/ 1999م - كلية الطب البيطرى بالإسماعيليه - جامعه قناه السويس  

التدرج الوظيفي :

- معيد بقسم الكيمياء الحيويه  كلية الطب البيطرى - جامعه قناه السويس  6/ 4/ 1992م0

- مدرس مساعد بقسم الكيمياء الحيويه كلية الطب البيطرى - جامعه قناه السويس بتاريخ 9/ 8/ 1993م0

- مدرس بقسم الكيمياء الحيويه كلية الطب البيطرى - جامعه قناه السويس بتاريخ 29/ 2/ 2000م 0

- أستاذ مساعد بقسم الكيمياء الحيويه كلية الطب البيطرى ببنى سويف- جامعه القاهره 27/ 4/ 2005م

وكيل الكلية لشئون الدراسات العليا والبحوث                     عميـد الكلية

       أ.د / مجدي فتحى القاضى                     أ.د/ محمود أمين العسقلانى


-Under-Graduate courses.

I was officially in-charge of under-graduate courses in meat hygiene, meat technology, meat microbiology and meat analysis as well as supervision of practical training for scholars in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef, Cairo University (from 1988 till now).

- Post-Graduate Courses:

I was officially in-charge of post-graduate courses in meat hygiene, meat technology, meat microbiology and meat analysis as well as supervision of research scholars for their M. Vet. Sci, Ph.D.Vet.Sci. and Diploma of food control. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef, Cairo University (from 1988 till now).

-I was officially in-charge to give lectures on the subject of food control for the under-graduate students of Health Technical Institue. Ministry of Health. (from 1995 till now).

- Membership of either of hygienic measures and meat committes in organization of Egyptian Standardization and Quality Control. Ministry of Industry (from 1998 till now).

- I was officially in-charge to give lectures on meat Inspection, and meat hygiene for veterinarians in Organization of Vet. Med. Services, Ministry of Agriculture.

- Consultant for Food Control to Hostel for Beni-Suef Branch of Cairo University. (from 1995 till now).

- Organizer and supervisor of training courses in food quality systems in center of veterinary environmental services, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef, Cairo University (from 2001 till now).

-         Membership of international congresses of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef, Cairo University. 

II- Activities :

- Computer Skills: Work on different computer program  as word 96- 2000 for window- Microsoft excel, outlock-power point- SAS --Slid write—Internet

- English background: all studies in the college were in English-Got TOEFL score 475 .

-Visit USA for PhD research as visiting scholar for 2  years.

Laboratories experiences during M.V.Sc and PhD as EIA -RIA, Prostaglandins and different assays techniques in the lab - Farm experiences for lab. Animals, etc

  -Faculty members helping to guide development of the, teaching and research programs of  Suez Canal university and Cairo University

-I had my special lab. For medical analysis and blood research in Egypt.

List of publication:



 1- Amin K.A.  (1993):

Some biochemical changes in blood of camal during defferent seasones

    M. V. Sc., Thesis, Fac. Vet. Med., Suez Canal Univ.

2- Amin K.A.  (2000): "Some biochemical studies in blood of ewes following induction of estrus"

     Ph. D. Thesis, Fac. Vet. Med., Suez Canal Univ.

Researches: List of publication

K.A. Amin and G.S. Lewis (1996): "Exogenous progesterone and the ovaries modulate the susceptibility of postpartum ewes to uterine infections" J. Anim.  Sci. 74 (Suppl. 1) p 215.

1- Amin, K. A; Ali, K. M  and Yousria A. El-Arnaooty (2004): “Effect of induced obesity by different diets on lipid profiles, antioxidant defense, oxidative stress and associated disorders in rats”

Bull. Egypt. Soc. Physiol. Sci. 24 (1) 177-195.

2- M. Hussein and Amin, K. A. (2004): “Changes in immunoglobulins, progesterone, estradiol and antioxidant vitamins associated with postpartum endometritis and retained placenta in cows” Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fer. Sixteenth Annual Congr. 159-184. Aswan 25-29 Jan.

3- Amin, K. A. : (2004):Effect of water extract of Achillea millefolium and Salix plants on some biochemical parameters in rats”.

Accepted at  1/7/2004  in Beni Suef  Vet. Med. J.

4- Ibrahim, A.I; Amin, K. A.; Hafez, Y. A. and Hussein, M. Rashad (2000): “Some biochemical alterations in blood of rabbit administered glucocorticoids (betamethasone) or NSAIDs (meloxicam) drugs”. Suez Canal Vet. Med. J., III (2) 587-597, Oct.

5- Kandeil, M. A.; Amin, K. A. and Ali, K. M. (2002):“Comparative biochemical studies between retained and non-retained placenta in cow and buffalo” J. Egypt.Vet. Med. Assoc. 62 (4) 255-264.

6- Amin, K. A., Hafez, Y. A., Hussein, M. Rashad, and. Kandeil, M.A (2001) : “Some biochemical alterations in blood of calves and their dams in relation to different periods of age” 6 th Sci. Cong. Egyptian Society for cattle diseases 4-6 Nov. Assiut, Egypt, 20-24.

7- Amin, K. A.; Kandeil, M.A. and Ali, K. M. (2004.) : “Effect of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism on lipid profile, glucose, lactate dehydrogenase, liver function and inhibin in rats” Minufiya Vet. J. 3 (1) 1-20; 3rd  Sci. Congr. April

8- M.A. Mahmoud; M.A. Gamal El-Dein and Amin, K.A. (2001): Proteins and fat contents of the Egyptian edible Marsh Frog, as indicators of nutritional quality.

Suez Canal Vet. Med. J., IV (1) 47-54,

9- El-Dakhly, Kh.M and Amin, K. A..(2006):Some biochemical studies on blood of sheep NATURALLY AND EXPERMINTALLY infected with Fasciola giganticaAssiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 52 No 110

1- Elmossalami, E.; Nouman, T. M. and Khalafalla, F. A. (1986):

     Campylobacter jejuni in slaughtered animals.

     2nd World Cong. Food borne Infect. And Intoxicat., West Berlin 1, 563 : 569

2- Khalafalla, F. A .; Ibrahim, A. and Eldaly E. (1989):

     Enterobacteriaceae in edible offals.

     Alex. J. Vet. Sci., 5, 287 : 295.

29- Khalafalla, F. A. (1996):

      Microbial evaluation of raw meats, meat products and non-meat ingredients.

      Beni-Suef Vet. Med. Res., 6, 141 : 153.


1- Khalafalla, F. A.(2000):

Hand book of Biochemistry

First edition ,Al-harmeem Office ,Embaba ,Giza ,Egypt

Deposited  No. 15468/2000

I.S.B.N. 977-17-0052-9

2- Khalafalla, F. A.(2000):

Hand book of meat technology & preservation

First edition ,Al-harmeem Office ,Embaba ,Giza ,Egypt

Deposited  No. 17664/2000

I.S.B.N. 977-17-0097-9

عنوان رسالة الماجستير

بعض الدراسات الحيويه على دم الجمال

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بعض الدراسات الحيويه على دم الجمال

عنوان رسالة الدكتوراه

بعض الدراسات الكيميائيه على دم النعاج

ملخص رسالة الدكتوراه

بعض الدراسات الكيميائيه على دم النعاج

جميع الحقوق محفوظة ©كمال عادل امين