Hanafy Mahmoud Madbouly

Professor of Virology

Basic Informations


Curriculum vitae of Prof Dr. / Haney Mahmoud Madbouly

Professor of Virology, Department of virology, Fac., Vet., Med., Beni-Suef University

  • Name: Hanafy Mahmoud Madbouly 
  • Date of birth: 10/1/1956 Qaliubiya, Egypt.
  • Title: Department of virology, Fac., Vet., Med., Beni-Suef University, Egypt
  • Tel: -0822327982, +02 01006103346, fax: +02 0822327982
  • e-mail: hmmadbouly @ gmail.com


  • Bachelor of veterinary medical sciences role 1979. good estimate
  • Master of veterinary medical sciences (Microbiology of animal diseases) at 7/7/1984 "virology" Address: (studies on bovine leukemia and other lymhpogenic viruses of cattle and buffaloes in Egypt)
  • PhD in veterinary medical sciences (Microbiology of animal diseases) on 25/6/1987 research subject "comparative study on tests used to diagnose rinderpest".
  • Get the Bachelor of Religion Origins, Department of Tafseir, Al-Azhar University, 1999.

Employment status:

  • Appointed Assistant Lecturer (22/4/1980) and Research Assistant (18/7/1985) and Assistant Lecturer (13/8/1985), researcher (22/7/1987) National Research Centre.
  • Appointed Assistant Lecturer (16/10/1988), Lecturer (22/2/1989), Assistant Professor (24/2/1993), and Professor (29-30/6/1998), Faculty of veterinary medicine at the University of Cairo Beni- suef branch.
  • Lordship acting head of virology department in 12/4/1994-12/9/1998.
  • Head of virology Department in 13 September 1998.
  • Renewal of sovereignty in section 14/9/2001 to 31/09/2013
  • A member of the Faculty Council and the scientific committees emanating from it (education and Student Affairs Committee, Committee on graduate studies, community service and environmental development Committee) since 1994 till 2015 Manager of  Unit of quality assurance since 2007 until 2012
  • Executive Director for the continued development and accreditation of the College code CP4/020/BSU

Administrative positions at the University *

  • Supervisor of research department at Beni Suef University in 2009
  • Director of the Center for Management Information Systems at Beni Suef University on October 28, 2009 - 30 September 2010
  • *Director of the Development Project Management Unit issued the decision to work from October 1, 2010
  • Executive Director of Information at Beni Suef University since October 1, 2010.
  • Member of the National Committee for information and communication technology ICT Projects from October 1, 2010
  • ICTP Project Coordinator issued the decision to act from October 1, 2010
  • Member of the High Committee for Research Management of the University by decision of the President of the University No. 226 on 21 June 2009
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the University Awards from 13/10/2009
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the Project Development Unit at Beni Suef University 2009
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the Quality Assurance Center at Beni Suef University 2009
  • Member of the Committee formed to prepare the strategic plan of Beni Suef University 2009 – 2014.
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the Strategic Planning Unit of Beni Suef University
  • Member of the Executive Committee for the Preparation and Writing of the Strategic Plan of Beni Suef University 2009/2014
  • Coordinator of the Video Conference Project between the University and ICTP Project at the Ministry of Higher Education

Scientific missions abroad:-

Scientific post doctorate mission to Japan State for three months from 13/7/2007 to 12/10/2007


  • Patent ID:  24131 in 30/7/2008 entitled "a new way to prepare a vaccine against virus inducing infectious bursitis disease (IBD) in chicken from Egyptian strains and adjuvented with Nigella Sativa oil emulsion"
  • Registration for Patent ID: 1912/2/2013 entitled: (Turkey Rhinotracheitis virus F gene DNA based vaccine from Egyptian strain for vaccination of turkey and chicken)
  • Registration for Patent to prepare a vaccine against influenza virus (H5 DNA based vaccine) using genetic structural engineering technology.

Scientific prizes:

1. State merit Prize in biological sciences for the year 2002

 2. Award for best research in seventh Scientific Conference of the Faculty of veterinary medicine in Giza, Cairo University 2002.

3. Award for best research in third Scientific Conference of the Faculty of veterinary medicine in Beni suef University, Cairo 2003.

 Participate in national scientific research projects:

  • As a researcher in the academic project against rinderpest 1985
  • As a researcher in ID:  216 project funded by the American side and Egyptian 1986

Research projects funded by the scientific contacts, and he was the main project principal Investigator:

  1. The principal investigator of a project funded by the University of Cairo "isolation and classification of  viruses that causing respiratory and intestinal diseases in chickens with particular regard to infectious bronchitis virus and reoviruses"
  2. Manager of the project financed by the QAAP  administration project , Supreme Council of universities entitled "establishment of an internal system to ensure the quality of education in the College of veterinary medicine in Beni suef" - code B/CAI/03/05/2
  3. Principal investigator of a project financed from the Fund The development of  science and technology entitled (preparation of vaccines against respiratory virus in turkeys and chickens "ID 244
  4. Executive Director for the continued development and accreditation of the College code CP4/020/BSU

Scientific shields and honours:

  • shield of Cairo University 2002 State Prize for 2002
  • sovereignty incentive shield KWB BNS 2002
  • 3-armour College of veterinary medicine scientific conferences for 2003, 2005, 2007
  •  seventh scientific conference shield of scientific miracles in the Quran and Sunnah in Dubai – U.A.E. State March 2004
  •  shield General Union for veterinarians 2007
  •  Beni suef University shield 2009 first Conference to develop university education in his lordship the Rapporteur of the Conference
  • shield Thursday. From which emerged for his scientific miracles in the Quran and Sunnah
  • Sudanese War College shield 2010 for his scientific miracles in the Quran and Sunnah
  • South Valley University shield 2010 for his scientific miracles in the Quran and Sunnah
  • Al-Azhar University shield, 2010 for his scientific miracles in the Quran and Sunnah
  •  shield Monastir Palace of science State of Tunisia on the first scientific conference on scientific miracles in the Quran and Sunnah may 2012
  • 12-certificates of appreciation from the world body for scientific miracles in the Quran and Sunnah to participate in scientific research Global and international and local conferences

Number of publications:

1-     90 search papers in English  within six international conferences, and in  specialized international(23) and local magazines (67)

2-     number of theses supervised sovereignty: 55   letter of them 30(Master degree) and  25 (Ph.D thesis)

Pricing of education projects:

  1. attending the workshop which train sets operate all governmental universities in Egypt to train faculty members interested in applying with projects funded by the education development projects Fund ((HEEP TOT0
  2.  member of the working group which prepared the training programs, and training faculty at Cairo University, Beni suif branch interested in applying for education development projects funded by the Education Development Fund (HEEPF)
  3.  attend many conferences and training courses and workshops for project guarantee and quality assurance
  4.  Manger of the project guarantee and quality assurance Faculty of veterinary medicine University of Beni suef (B/CAI/03/05)
  5.  5-participating in research projects with arbitration Academy of scientific research and technology (national strategic programmes for biotechnology and genetic engineering).

Training courses in the field of higher education development:

1-     TOT-training of trainers in education development projects HEEPF

2-    cycle TOT for external auditors of national body to ensure quality education and certification from 14-16 September 2008

3-     strategic planning cycle national organization to ensure quality education and accreditation of 17-18 September 2008

4-    cycle higher education external auditors to national organization to ensure quality education and certification of 21 – 25 September 2008

5-     course technology contact the national organization to ensure quality education and certification

6-     " Business ethics in the medical field and biosafety in research labs "with the Egyptian society for Immunology University of international Egypt from 26-28 November 2008

7-     cycle simulation for external auditors may 2009 National Organization to ensure quality education and certification

8-     intensive for reviewers breakers 4-6 January 2010 National Organization to ensure quality education and certification

Training courses in veterinary medicine:

1.  attend in electron microscopy., Faculty of science, Alexandria University

2.   Attend the course in molecular biology, the PCR to veterinary school, Cairo University.

3.   Attend a course in English language and Translation Centre at Cairo University and computer courses in the Institute of statistics.

Seminars and training programs:

 1. Participation in the seminar, Faculty of veterinary medicine in Beni suef titled "livestock and their impact on the environment and development (problems and solutions)" with a lecture entitled "immunization problems of viral diseases in poultry."

 2. Participation in theoretical and practical lectures in seminars and training programs by: a) veterinary Directorate of Beni suef.  B) Directorate of agriculture in Beni suef.  C sexual Research Institute) pyramid Giza.

Scientific conferences:

1.  participate in many national and international scientific conferences, scientific seminars and scientific research workshops

2.   Participate in many scientific conferences without papers.

Scientific and practical experience:

1)    Expertise in viral diseases that infect the lymph and blood cancer in cattle.

2)    Expertise in isolating and classification of viruses that infect livestock and Fisheries Committee's parents.

3)    Teaching of virology for students of third year of Bachelor degree

4)    Teaching students of post graduate students (diplomas – master – doctorate) including theoretical and practical part in Veterinary colleges of universities (Beni suef, Tanta, Suez canal, banha), Beni suef University faculty

5)    Teaching molecular biology for diploma, master's and doctorate in the Faculty of veterinary medicine University of BNS

6)    Teaching microbiology Technical Institute students adopt healthy BNS theoretical and practical laboratories Division.

7)    Expertize and certified auditor of the national authority for quality assurance and accreditation (accreditation visit veterinary medicine  Zagazig university 2014, veterinary visit Alexandria 2016 and veterinary medicine of el-Mansoura University 2019)

Scientific School:

1)    supervise theses students (30) Master  and PhD (25)  in different veterinary colleges universities (Beni suef, Egypt, Kafr El-Sheikh), National Center for research, institutes (animal health research – Dokki, the sexual research-institute pyramid, serum and vaccine research and production- institute Abbasiyah) and the General Authority for veterinary services, FARDC. 

2)    Providing services for animal and poultry farms and placing immunization programs and disease control.

3)    Diagnostic and Service Center Veterinary Clinic for field work

Where the academic the joint sovereignty of societies:

  1. The Egyptian poultry Veterinary Association
  2.  Egyptian Veterinary Association for the development of Buffalo.
  3. The World Veterinary poultry Association.   
  4. The Egyptian society of virology.
  5. Arabic Association for environmental safety and occupational health
  6.  Egyptian society of Virology.

 Books and authors:

1-    Basis of veterinary virology.   

2-    Basis of molecular biology. 

3-    Basis of diagnostic virology.  

ExperiencingBeni- suef University Veterinary College to this statement of fact file on Mr Dr Hanafy Mahmoud Madbouly

Professor of virology, Department of Virology at the request of his sovereignty. 

Faculty Dean

Master Title

studies on bovine leukemia and other lymhpogenic viruses of cattle and buffaloes in Egypt

Master Abstract

In the first part of the study, a total of 1640 serum samples were collected from cattle (1129), buffalo (266) , and sheep (245) in private and governmental farms in 8 Egyptian provinces. All samples were screened by AGPT for BLV antibodies using gp-69 antigen. All sheep and buffalo sera were negative. Cattle sera were collected from two breeds Frisian (1012) and native (117). All tested sera from native breed were negative. Only 5 sera from Frisian dairy cattle collected from the Karada Frisian breeding station were positive in the AGPT out of (310) serum samples tested (1.6%). The 5 sera showed a clear precipitation band. This is the first record for bovine leucosis in Egypt. Twenty one animals representing three generation nearest to the positive samples were tested hematological for their total and differential leucocytes count. Comparing the results of AGPT and hematological test as judged by Bendixen and Simplified European keys, it was found that: 12 animals were found negative in both serological and hematological tests, 3 positive in AGPT and leukemic to both used keys , 2 positive in AGPT and hematological suspicious according to Bendixen key and hematological negative according to simplified European key, 3 negative in AGPT and hematological suspicious according to both keys, 1 negative in AGPT and leukemic according to both keys . The same 21 were analyzes for their serum lysozyme content, no correlation could be detected between serum lysozyme content and leukemic status of the animal. The same 21 were analyzes electrophoretically, no correlation between the electrophoretic pattern and leukemic status of the animal was detected. In the second part of the study, bronchial, mesenteric, and prescapular lymph nodes collected from 44 apparently healthy cattle of the native breed slaughtered at El-Qanater El-Khiria abattoir were collected and screened for precipitating anting of BLV, BVD, IBR and RP. None of the tested lymph nodes showed a positive a positive reaction in AGPT for BLV. For BVD a clear precipitation lines were found in 37.8% of bronchial, 75% of mesenteric and 80.5% for prescapular lymph nodes. IBR precipitating antigen was found in 43.2% of bronchial and 68.3% of prescapular lymph nodes. These results pointed clearly to the diagnostic importance of prescapular lymph nodes. No clear AGPT reaction was obtained in case of RP to lack of a suitable positive precipitating antigen.

PHD Title

comparative study on tests used to diagnose rinderpest

PHD Abstract

In this study some of the recently applied serological techniques, had been developed and evaluated for the detection of RP- viral antigens and antibodies like dot – ELISA, solid phase ELISA, cell ELISA, and staphylococcus protein A agglutination test (SPA). These techniques had been compared with the traditional techniques like agar gel precipitation test and florescent antibody technique that previously used for the diagnosis of RP. Different methodological variable as temperature of incubation, time of incubation and type of diluents had been adopted for the preparation of agar gel precipitating antigens. In this study, it has been shown that RP- viral strain , which was grown on Vero cells for 96 hours and extracted using N.B.40 solvent, is the strongest if used in the AGPT (it gave a clear precipitating line after 24 hours) and the Dot ELISA (where it gave strong blue dots 3 hours after the start of the test even with positive serum dilution 1:25 till 1: 200) although it is preferred to use the antigens prepared in the bacterial SPA agglutination test as it proved its preference for the Dot ELISA antigen prepared by using N.B.40, and it gave a positive result two minutes later with the presence of staphylococcus already adsorbed with positive serum diluted 1:10 and carried on its surface IgG antiviral bodies. The bacterial SPA test was used to determine the virus antigens using a microscopic slide and the bacterial aggregations were seen within 2-minute by the naked eye and it became very clearly as it was filmed from under the light microscope, and this method was the best and fastest way to diagnose bovine plague as the disease can be diagnosed in two minutes It had been proved that the NP-40 cell extracted viral antigens is potent and more reliable for the detection of RP- antibodies in bovine sera. Staphylococcus protein A agglutination test (SPA) was used as slide and micro plate assay and found to be easier, rapid and more sensitive than the AGPT. Parallel to the above mentioned, the Dot – ELISA had been proved to be the most sensitive and versatile techniques in detecting the RP- viral antigen in infected tissue culture, organs and secretion of naturally infected animals. By the IFA, the cytoplasm inclusion bodies of virus-infected Vero cells was seen from 12 hours after injection, then more widespread and visible in cytoplasm and cell nuclei after 72-96 hours of injection into cells. When identifying the bovine plague virus in the organs and secretions of animals infected with the virus by using the above-mentioned tests, it became clear that the dot-Eliza test was the best of these tests, followed by the bacterial SPA test and the AGPT, where the percentage of positive samples was 82.6%, 65.2% and then 17.3%, respectively. The best methods and fixation of cells on plastic 96 micro titer plate using acetone, absolute ethanol, absolute methanol, a mixture of ethanol and methanol in 50% , acetone with methanol 50%, acetone with ethanol by 50%, acetone with ethanol and methanol by 60%, 25%, 15% respectively and the best method turned out to be the last As for the identification of anti-bovine plague immune bodies in sera, both the VN test, the solid phase ELISA, cellular ELISA and the bacterial SPA test were used to determine the titers of immune bodies in the sera used. The tests were first evaluated using a hyper immune serum of antibodies prepared against the bovine plague virus in rabbits with both the antigens prepared, beside they were performed on 100 samples of cow serum (66), buffalo (15), sheep (2), goats (15) and horses (2).Rinderpest antibodies could be detected in rabbit and bovine sera using the VNT, AGPT and the recently used SPA – agglutination test, Dot ELISA, solid phase ELISA and cell ELISA. The obtained results showed clearly that the newly introduced SPA agglutination test and dot ELISA proved to be high sensitive techniques which could be used in combination with the other conventional serological techniques. These techniques proved to be conventional and reliable for the diagnosis of RP. It is of importance to mention that, the development of the micro titer plate SPA agglutination test triggers the introduction of this new screening system for RP – antigens and antibodies and helps in the rapid diagnosis of RP in field samples as compared with the SNT and AGPT. It can also be concluded that, it is possible to use solid phase ELISA plates already coated with measles antigens for the detection of rinderpest antibodies in bovine serum samples.

All rights reserved ©Hanafy Mahmoud Madbouly